Top 10 Best Lights for a Firetruck

When it comes to upfitting vehicles with emergency lighting, there's no bigger task than the firetruck. The average firetruck weighs about 40,000 lbs and flies at speeds up to 70 mph. This massive weight and speed means all firetrucks must have abundant flashing lights to warn citizens to steer clear while it's zooming to its destination. In the world of emergency lighting, the more lights on a vehicle = the more visibility to other people on the road. For this reason, it's imperative that a firetruck is upfitted with the best lights for the job. Not only is the number of lights important but also the level of brightness each light emits. This list will be going over the Top 10 most important lights to install on a firetruck of any size.
10. Work Lights

The work light doesn't come to use until after the firetruck has arrived on scene, but once it's on, you'll be glad you have it. It's very important that any scene a firefighter shows up to is properly lit. It's not enough to rely on the ambient lighting of dim streetlights or a fellow firefighter's flashlight. When you're at a job where every second counts, there's no time for mistakes due to poor lighting. Get yourself a dozen work lights mounted strategically around your firetruck to ensure all angles are lit 30 feet in all directions. See Work Lights
9. Cargo Lights

The humble cargo light is much like the work light except it lights up the inside of the vehicle. These lights are strategically placed all around the inside of the vehicle to illuminate the cargo, tools and fellow firemen riding aboard. This light is useful more often than any other light because firefighters need to see inside the firetruck before, during and after a response call. In fact, Firefighters actually suit up within the cab while the firetruck rushes to it's destination to save time. It's crucial for them to properly see every component of their suit while getting dressed as firefighters need an airtight fit. The best rule of thumb is to install about 1 Cargo Light for every 2 firefighters in the cab. See Cargo Lights
8. Arrow Board

Arrow boards are extremely useful to any firetruck because they immensely help control traffic. Think back to the last time you saw a firetruck parked at a wreck scene on the highway. The traffic is backed up a mile, the firetruck is taking up a lane and all the cars in that lane have to merge to another lane. This is where an Arrow Board comes in handy, because it signals cars to steer away from the firetruck and into the further lane. For more versatility, go with a 5 color arrow board to be able to flash any color combination your state allows. Only 1 arrow board is needed for any firetruck frame. See Arrow Boards
7. Interior Light Bars
Often overlooked but very important is the interior lightbar. These lights provide a reliable way to warn all front or back facing vehicles in the firetruck's path. One sure benefit of the interior lightbar is they don't take up any space outside the firetruck. Firefighters wanting to climb their truck during a job wont have to worry about this discreet light getting in the way. See Interior Lights
6. Surface Mounts
When it comes to surface mounts, the more the merrier. These compact lights pack a punch and can be placed anywhere on a firetruck. Mount them on the front, sides and rear of any firetruck to cover all your bases. At least 2 surface mounts per side is recommended. See Surface Mounts
5. Light Sticks
Light Sticks service firetrucks similar to surface mounts only they provide more light due to their size. Light Sticks come in various sizes ranging from 1 foot to 5 feet. A few of these placed on the front, sides and back are all you need. See Light Sticks
4. Controllers
No lighting system is complete without a controller to tie it all together. With the press of a button, these controllers turn on all the lights and sirens on a firetruck. Controllers are also important for choosing the exact light patterns for the job. Different scenarios require different color lights and patterns. Configuring your controller for these scenarios is the difference between life and death on a call. See Controllers
3. Speakers & Sirens

While speakers don't light up like the rest of the tools on this list, speakers deserve a high ranking spot on any firetruck item list. Without a speaker, no one would be able to hear a firetruck barreling down the highway towards an accident. A powerful speaker is a must for all firetrucks. The average firetruck has 1-4 large speakers mounted on it. See Speakers
2. Lightbars
In most cases, the lightbar is the biggest piece of lighting equipment on a firetruck. These lights are special because they shine in all four directions of the vehicle. No Firetruck is complete without a lightbar. Mount one of these on the roof of a firetruck and see how much more visible it becomes. See Lightbars
1. LED Scene Lights

Otherwise known as LUX lights, the most important lights found on any firetruck are LED scene lights. 80% of the bright lights you see flashing on a firetruck come from these types of lights. They're distinguished by their large square shape and intense brightness. Unlike the rest of the lights on this list, LED scene lights are specifically tailored for firetrucks and EMS. The more you can fit on a firetruck the better, but check your local NPFA regulations to find out how many your state allows. See LED Scene Lights